Zedd feat Hayley Williams-Stay The Night

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feat Hayley Williams-Stay The NightZedd

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Zedd feat Hayley Williams-Stay The Night Letra

I know that we are upside down
So hold your tongue and hear me out
I know that we were made to break so what? I don't mind
You kill the lights, I'll draw the blinds
Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes
I know that we were made to break so what? I don't mind
Are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Oh oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Doesn't mean we're bound for life
So oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Doesn't mean we're bound for life
So oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night
I am fire gasoline,
Come pour yourself all over me
We'll let this place go down in flames only one more time
You kill the lights, I'll draw the blinds
Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes
I know that we were made to break
So what? I don't mind
Are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Oh oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Doesn't mean we're bound for life
So oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night (Night)
Are you gonna stay the night
Are you gonna stay the night
Doesn't mean we're bound for life
So oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night
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