Zedd feat Elley Duhe-Happy Now

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feat Elley Duhe-Happy NowZedd

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Zedd feat Elley Duhe-Happy Now Letra

You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can up and run
Leave me just as empty as the day you came
And you hold all the cards, all the broken hearts
Strung over your shoulder till it's all in vain
And only you know the strength of your teeth
The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep
And lonely
You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can
In the palm of your hands
You can make me dance
Spin me around in circles till I'm wrapped in string
You keep on talking sweet till your fingers bleed
But don't you dare ask me how I've been
Now only you know the strength of your teeth
The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep
And lonely
You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can
You're the only, you're the only
You're the only one who can
You're the only, you're the only
World away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
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