Zara Larsson One Mississippi

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One MississippiZara Larsson

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Zara Larsson One Mississippi Letra

One Mississippi, you're here

Loving me with your whole heart

And two Mississippi, we scream

To watch each other fall apart

Three Mississippi, you're gone

Saying that you're done, you don't want it no more

And four Mississippi, you're home

Like nothing ever happened at all

Why do I stay? I know I should leave

Mascara falling down my cheek

But you pull me in and make me forget

About the broken glass on our skin

We don't get scared when the sirens come

A little fucked up 'cause we think it's fun

We kiss just to make up, we love just to break up

We head for disaster, but live for the danger

We count

One Mississippi, you're here

Loving me with your whole heart

And two Mississippi, we scream

To watch each other fall apart

Three Mississippi, you're gone

Saying that…
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