Yungblud Die a Little

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Die a LittleYungblud

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Yungblud Die a Little Letra

Just went life gets messed up
Just when you can't turn back
Sometimes life gets like that
It's my addiction
Take my foot off the gas
Step on paper-thin glass
Play the music and dance
It's my addiction
'Cause we are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
All you got to do is die a little, die a little
Die a little to survive
Help me take my precious time
All you got to do is cry a little, cry a little
Cry a little to be fine
Help me figure out my mind
You help me sleep at night
Help me turn off the lights
Calm down my obsessed mind
You're my religion
You can follow the lines
Piece by piece, time by time
Hold my hands when I'm blind
Like a magician
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
All you got to do is die a little, die a little
Die a little to survive
Help me take my precious time
All you got to do is cry a little, cry a little
Cry a little to be fine
Help me figure out my mind
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
We are the lonely ones
And just when life gets messed up
Just when you can't turn back
Sometimes life gets like that
It's my addiction


yungblud die little
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