Yellow Claw We Made It (feat Lil Eddie)

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We Made It (feat Lil Eddie)Yellow Claw

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Yellow Claw We Made It (feat Lil Eddie) Letra

No time for haters, I see you later

Try to put up barriers

But I never get through the bitchy fake girls

I'm blind to them yeah, I'm blind to them, say

When they screaming out your name

Everyone in the crowd

You know that you made it

Like a king on a throne

Baby, you wear the crown

That's when

You know that you made it

You know that you made it

You know that you made it

You know that you made it

When the moments try to pull you down, down

'Cause they're jealous, you know

Keep your head up to the heavens now, now

They're just jealous, you know

Never forget all those who held me down

But them sharks, they left me to drown

Stronger than ever, I'm holding my ground…
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