Tove Lo Not On Drugs

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Not On DrugsTove Lo

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Tove Lo Not On Drugs Letra

Shiny, happy, see my world in new colors
Higher fire, fly my rocket through the universe
I'm up with the kites and I dream so blue
I live in the sky, you come live here too
I'm queen of the clouds, make my wish come true.
I sing to the night, let me sing to you
Baby, listen please
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love (Oh)
Baby, don't you see?
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love
You're high enough for me.
Lighter, brighter, pick the biggest stars I find
And I'm trip, trip, tripping in my empire state of mind
Ooh I'm up with the kites and I dream so blue
I live in the sky, you can live here too.
I'm queen of the clouds, make my wish come true.
I sing to the night, let me sing to you.
Baby, listen please
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love (Oh)
Baby, don't you see?
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love
You're high enough for me.
You're high enough for me.
Baby, listen please
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love (Oh)
Baby, don't you see?
I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs,
I'm just in love
You're high enough for me
You're high enough for me
You're high enough for me


tove not drugs
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