The Weeknd Rolling Stone

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Rolling StoneThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd Rolling Stone Letra

Now you're thinkin' bout it
Girl you're thinkin' bout it
What we got hereHow we fuckin' got here
They recognize
They just recognize
I'm in a life without a home so this recognitions not enough
I don't care about nobody else
'Cause I've been on these streets way too long
Baby I've been on this too long
It's getting faded too long

Got me on this rolling stone
So I take another hit
Kill another serotonin
With a hand full of beans
And a chest full of weed
Got me singing 'bout a bitch
While I'm blowing out my steam
Yea I know I got my issues
Why you think I fuckin' flow?
And I'ma keep on smoking 'til I can't hit another note

Ooh, but until then

I got you, ooh

Baby I got you, ooh
Until you're used to my face
And my mystery fades
I got you, ooh
So baby love me, ooh
Before they all love me
Until you won't love me
Because they'll all love me
I'll be different, ooh
I think I'll be different
I hope I'm not different
And I hope you'll still listen
But until then
Baby I got you, ooh ooh
I got you, ooh
Girl I still got you, ooh ooh
I got you, ooh, woah


the weeknd rolling stone
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