The Score Miracle

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The Score Miracle Letra

It's not just a phase
Now let me explain
I'm working through some shit
Sometimes I'm medicated
It's hard to relay
The thoughts in my brain
I'm working for a life that's not domesticated
It never goes the way that you planned
Success is a door that always slams
I'm trying to break it
I'm trying to break it
Searching for words, and praying for signs
I struggle to find the rhythm and rhyme
Don't know how to say it
Don't know how to say it
That I'm losing my mind
Trying to find the perfect line
I think I'm running out of time
I need a mira-miracle, a mira-miracle
Yeah I'm losing my mind
Counting seconds passing by
And I don't know when I'll be fine
I need a mira-miracle, a mira-miracle
A miracle


the score miracle
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