The Score In My Bones

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In My BonesThe Score

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The Score In My Bones Letra

So tired of comparisons
Tryin' to learn the lesson in
Fallin' every time that I do
The chemicals inside my brain
Never let me feel the pain
Pushing me to see the truth
My heart is like a hand grenade
Pull the pin and detonate
Ready, set, I'm about to blow
(Ready, set, I'm about to blow)
'Cause all the hate you ever spewed
Made me into something new
Sit back and enjoy the show
It isn't in my words
'Cause they come and go
But everything that hurt
Taught me how to grow
It isn't in my skin
Or these scars that show
'Cause my fight within
Comes from below
I feel it in my bones
(I feel it in my—, I feel it in my—)
I feel it my soul
(I feel it in my—, I feel it in my—)
I feel it in my—
I ain't gonna break
I'ma make you wonder
Rollin' in the deep
Can't steal my thunder


the score bones
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