The Score Hunger

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The Score Hunger Letra

It's feeding time in the jungle, jungle

The cold streets, yeah, they come alive

Ain't a time to be humble, humble

'Cause only the strong survive

The nights are here

I'm starving just to feel inspired

The fights, no fears

Tonight I won't be denied

Can you feel the hunger, the hunger?

Can you feel the hunger, the hunger?

Never ever satisfied, gotta feed this appetite

Before it pulls me under

(Can you feel the)

I ain't waiting for this, I'm breaking out of my cage

I'm howling, can you hear the sound?

It's the call of the wild, wild

I'm an animal you can't hold down

The nights are here

I'm starving just to feel inspired

The fights, no fears

Tonight I won't be denied

Can you feel the hunger, the hunger?

Can you feel the hunger, the…


the score hunger
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