The Score Human

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The Score Human Letra

Am I diseased or am I just over critical?

All I see is someone hypocritical

‘Cause I can’t be who I want sometimes

Tired of trying to fit into the digital world we made where no one is original

Underneath are the flaws I hide

And I know that I’m worth way more than I show

Put the blame on me,

Put the blame on me

And every scar I earned taught me how to grow

Put your aim on me

Put your aim on me

Cuz I am only...

Human to the bone

I make mistakes everybody's messed up sometimes

But it’s okay, but it’s okay

Somedays I’m alone

So scared of getting old,

Taking medicine to ease my mind

But it’s okay

Disguise my fears with words I'm so cynical

Ups and downs this life is feeling clinical

Can’t outrun the voice inside

Telling me I’m broken when I’m not

And every days’ a battle with my thoughts

Underneath there’s a war I fight

Bruised but not breaking

Moves I’ve been making

Tired, now I’m waking up

Fears that I’ve shaken

Steps that I’ve taken

Things are looking up

It took awhile to find me


the score human
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