The Police Bring on the Night

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Bring on the NightThe Police

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Tiempo: 04:08 Tamaño: 3.81 Mb Descargas: 1 Puntos de vista: 62


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The Police Bring on the Night Letra

The afternoon has gently passed me by
The evening spreads its sail against the sky
Waiting for tomorrow
Just another day
God bid yesterday goodbye
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
The future is but a question mark
Hangs above my head there in the dark
Can't see for the brightness
Is staring me blind
God bid yesterday goodbye
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight


the police bring the night
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