Tate McRae Stupid

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Tate McRae Stupid Letra

Only think about him on the weekdays and weekends
Only in the mornings and evenings
Only when I wake up and sleep in, oh my God
Should have read the warning on the label, I don't
Said proceed with caution, but I won't
Guess I do it often, I know
I'm already gone (I'm already gone)
It's sad but true
I'd go to hell and back
If I could go there with you
What do I do?
Oh my God, I'm a fool
Keep on coming back to you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
I have a list of all my habits, habits
Wish I didn't have it, so bad, it's
'Cause all of them are you and
The bad things that you do
Ooh I wonder how you do it
Make me feel stupid
Try to fight it off
But it's…


tate mcrae stupid
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