Tarkan Shhh

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Tarkan Shhh Letra

Don't speak, you're beautiful
Don't say a word at all
Look at me
I hear your voice in my head like a song
And I don't wanna sleep
Are you the one for all the time?
Skin next to mine
Am I lost in a dream?
Do you really wanna let it slip away?
If you say do you mean it
If you feel it let me see it
If you want me now I wanna hear love speak
When you dance with your heart in motion
You pull me in just a little closer
Don't say a word I wanna hear love speak
Why be so afraid of the silence Shhh
Over there with your beads in your hair
What you don't say sets me free
Like a flame of a fire
That keeps getting higher
Talk to me with your eyes so I can believe
Show me love deeper than words
If you say do you mean it
If you feel it let me see…


tarkan shhh
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