Tarkan Dont Leave Me Alone

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Dont Leave Me AloneTarkan

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Tarkan Dont Leave Me Alone Letra

Must have been to blinded to see
It was there all along
And all the signs that I missed, gave up on me
They're already gone
Fire, I want it back
Desire, I want it back
Tell me you believe ther's no chance
That we still belong
I know I can't escape the pain
It's falling on me like the rain
Don't leave me alone
Nights are getting lonely and cold
I am left in the dark
And all the words should have been unspoken
Trust in our hearts
Fire, I want it back
Desire, I want it back
This can't be the end of the story
Let's not fall apart
I know I can't escape the pain
It's falling on me like the rain
Don't leave me alone
Baby try…


tarkan dont leave alone
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