Tamer Hosny Helm Snen

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Helm SnenTamer Hosny

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Tamer Hosny Helm Snen Letra

A dream for many years
A dream for many years

We lived and saw it
The day that we missed him in
And hugged me in front of the people
Oh my love what happened
We won't stay together, are you sure

The lovers increased two people
Write our names
It was a dream for many years and years
Staying together
Oh my god what's this feeling

A night with you is a night
Can make my life like a night
In a thousand years with you

OK, you will sleep with the beats of my heart
And it will live with you his great moments forever
I won't forget your love never

Certainly I can do that, And I fulfilled my promise
You waited and remained in need of me
And the god made us meet each other

Oh the nights
Oh the nights
Oh the nights, please tell him about my case
Where I was
Oh where I was
My dear, this is you
A dream for many years


tamer hosny helm snen
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