Stephen Line It Up

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Line It UpStephen

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Stephen Line It Up Letra

Seven o' five

Sunset drive

That'll be a good timeBourbon on ice

Pay no mind

It's gonna a (rude???) night

With blue eyes

Walk back

She pulls me aside

And says to me

My ride is outside

My place is near by

If you wanna leave

Babe if you want this

I should let you know

I'm looking for so much more

And I promise if I take you home

I can't say I'll hold you tomorrow

Cause tomorrow I still won't know you

Babe if you want this, you should let me go

Baby just let me go

Forty-four flights

New high rise

Girls got the good life


Look at her eyes

Telling me why

It's gonna be a long night

She pulls inside

Turns off the lights

And says to me

I'm not your type

But just for tonight

We can make believe

Babe if you want this

I should let you know

I'm looking for so much more

And I promise if I take you home

I can't say I'll hold you tomorrow

Cause tomorrow I still won't know you

Babe if you want this, you should let me go

Baby just let me go


stephen line
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