Snow Patrol Heal me

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Heal meSnow Patrol

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Snow Patrol Heal me Letra

Can you heal me baby?
I've been dancing in this fire for way to long
But I kinda like it
Oh I like it 'cause it's more dangerous than me
There's a siren somewhere
But I'm pretty sure it's only in my head
So tell me how'd you hear it
Is there's something supernatural in your bones
Oh this is love like wildness
Coursing through you like a drug
And this is hurt like kindness
Breaking you with gentle hands
I call out your name
It feels like a song
I know so well
And it whispers and roars like an orchestra
You call out my name
Like no one before
It sounds like I
Am called to a home that I never had
Can you heal me baby?
I've been wasted in the arms of everyone
I wasn't looking for you
But I think maybe I was and didn't know
Oh this is love like wildness
Coursing through you like a drug
And this is hurt like kindness
Breaking you with gentle hands
I call out your name
It feels like a song
I know so well
And it whispers and roars like an orchestra
(Like an orchestra)
You call out my name
Like no one before
It sounds like I
Am called to a home that I never had


snow patrol heal
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