Sigrid Sucker Punch

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Sucker PunchSigrid

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Sigrid Sucker Punch Letra

Meet me in the hallway
For a cup of coffee by the stairs
We're both in a hurryLet's steal a minute when there's no one there
Both our hoodies red
You're in my head

Yeah, there's no pressure
At least that's what we always said
I was keeping it together
I guess I didn't understand
That I fell for you
I lost my cool

It hit me like a sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I still come back for that
Sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I still come back for that
Sucker punch

I try to come up with the bad things
Didn't wanna write a happy song
You've got only good reactions
So I don't wanna be the one to
Fuck this up, I swear
Out of nowhere

It hit me like a sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I'll still come back for that

Sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I'll still come back for that

Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
But I still come back for that

Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
But I still come back for that

Sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I still come back for that
Sucker punch

Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I still come back for that

Sucker punch
Just one look and I'm out of touch
I'm freaking out 'cause I'm scared this might end bad
But I still come back for that

Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
But I still come back for that

Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
But I still come back for that
Sucker punch


sigrid sucker punch
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