Sertab Erener The One

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The OneSertab Erener

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Sertab Erener The One Letra

Sertab Erener The One Şarkı Sözleri

Morning sun shines into my room
The room you've just walked out for the first time
Still I'm filled withthe scent of your skin
I hear your baby talk in my mind
I wonder am i in your mind

A night just a night
Only a few hours
How can it change my whole life
A man just a man
known him a few hours
How can he fill my whole heart ever craving Is he the one
I've been waiting for

I'm too proud to call you on the phone
And you are a man, and I know a men forget easily
I hope not that easily

The one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for
I've been waiting


sertab erener the one
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