Sertab Erener I Believe

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I BelieveSertab Erener

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Sertab Erener I Believe Letra

Sertab Erener I Believe Şarkı Sözleri

'Cause I believe that I see love in you

I can see a sight of your face
In every trace of the moonbeam
And the wind captures your ambrace
I can erase from deep in my heart

Somehow every situation
Gives my emotion taste of you
Is it my imagination?
Infatuation could it be true?

'Cause I believe that I see love in you
And all of me has been waiting for you
'Cause I believe there I see love in you
It's plain to see I want no one but you
From my hands, my heart and my soul
I can't control what I feel for you
From my dreams I can hear your calls
I know I've fallen can't let it go

Somehow every situation
Gives my emotion a taste of you
It's not my imagination
This infatuation all over you

'Cause I believe that I see love in you
And all of me has been waiting for you
'Cause I believe there I see love in you
It's plain to see I want no one but you


sertab erener believe
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