Seal The Right

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The RightSeal

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Seal The Right Letra

Caught up in my life
Waiting to be set free
Waiting to find my answer
Come if it feels right
Now is the time to be
No need to find forgiveness
'Cause in a month some child wants to make love
Fantasize about some vision
Funny how the lost guy makes the deal
("the deal" [Repeat: x 6])
Just when you thought you were lonely
They put you under the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life
Oh, living it
Living in the streets
Try to find a better way
Elevate or take me higher
There's a place for me
All I want a new sedan
Elevator take or me higher, take me higher, take me higher, take me higher
Just when you thought you were lonely
They put you under the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life
Just when you thought you were lonely
They put you under the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life
Oh, living it
Oh, living it
Just when you thought you were lonely
They came along with the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life [Repeat: x 10]
'Cause in a month some child wants to make love
Fantasize about some vision
Funny how the lost guy makes the deal
("the deal" [Repeat: x 6])
Just when you thought you were lonely
They put you under the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life
Just when you thought you were lonely
They put you under the right spell
Wake up tomorrow you're gonna be
Living the right life


seal the right
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