Scorpions When you Came iInto My Life

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When you Came iInto My LifeScorpions

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Scorpions When you Came iInto My Life Letra

You give me your smile
A piece of your heart
You give me the feel I've been looking for
You give me your soul
Your innocent love
You are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for
We're lost in a kiss
A moment in time
Forever young
Just forever
Just forever in love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
'Cause your love has found its way to my heart
Ooh, ah
Ooh, ah
You make me dream
By the look in your eyes
You give me the feel I've been longing for
I wanna give you my soul
All my life
'Cause you are the one I've been waiting for
I've been waiting for so long
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away, oh yeah
'Cause your love has found its way to my heart
Into my heart
Just forever in love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away, oh yeah
'Cause your love has found its way
To my heart
When you came into my life (in my life)
When you came into my life
It took my breath away, oh yeah)
And the world stopped turnin' round
For your love
When you came into my life
It took my breath away, oh yeah
'Cause your love has found its way
To my heart
When you came into my life, yeah, yeah
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