Sami Yusuf Without You

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Without YouSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf Without You Letra

Sami Yusuf Without You Şarkı Sözleri

Softly you called to me
Across the space between
Across eternity
Where love winds a path unseen

Out of the wilderness
You beckoned my every step
I stumbled sometimes and yet
I never once looked back

'Cos I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
No I don't know
Where I would go
What I would do

Without You
Without You
Without You

Like a heart between beats
I would feel nothing you see
If you took your love from me
I don't know what more would life mean?
I'd use my final breath
To call out your name and let
That breath upon the breeze
Rise like a kiss to thee

So you might see
Just what your love has meant to me
And what the cost of losing you would be
No I don't know
Where I would go
What I would do

Without You
Without You
Without You

'Cos I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
No I don't know
Where I would go
What I would do

Without You
Without You
Without You


sami yusuf without you
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