Sami Yusuf Forgotten Promises

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Forgotten PromisesSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf Forgotten Promises Letra

Sami Yusuf Forgotten Promises Şarkı Sözleri

Tonight the world will sleep
But hunger will not wait
For promises we made
We share one soul
We share one land
We have one time to understand

We are one humankind
Brothers side by side
We'll have no regret
We will not forget
We are one humankind
Sisters side by side
We'll have no regret
We will not forget

Samihna ya allah
Forgive us o lord

Wa irrhamna ya rabbah
Have mercy on us o lord

Wa imnah rizqaka lil-afwah
Give your bounty to the mouths

Wa abi'd anha kul al-aah
And keep away from them all the moans and groans

Our words must count
Hunger will not wait For promises we made
We share one soul
We share one land
We have one time to understand

We are one humankind
Brothers side by side
We'll have no regret
We will not forget
We are one humankind
Sisters side by side
We'll have no regret
We will not forget

Samihna ya allah
Forgive us o lord

Wa irrhamna ya rabbah
Have mercy on us o lord

Wa imnah rizqaka lil-afwah
Give your bounty to the mouths

Wa abi'd anha kul al-aah
And keep away from them all the moans and groans

Our words must count
Hunger will not wait
For promises we made

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