Sami Yusuf A Thousand Times

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A Thousand TimesSami Yusuf

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Sami Yusuf A Thousand Times Letra

Sami Yusuf A Thousand Times Şarkı Sözleri

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind

You gave me hope, you let me dream
Made me believe I can still trust

You raised me up, you gave me wings
Just like a kite in the sky
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try 'Cos I know
Deep down you feel how much I care

Now I hold my head up high
I see my dreams coming true
Peace be with you my dearest friend
In my heart you will remain

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

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