Robbie Williams Supreme

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SupremeRobbie Williams

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Robbie Williams Supreme Letra

Oh, it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived
Yeah, are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumor in your humor
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive?
You must survive
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme
Oh, what are you really looking for?
Another partner in your life
To abuse and to adore?
Is it lovey dovey stuff
Do you need a bit of rough?
Get on your knees
Yeah, turn down the love songs that you hear
'Cause you can't avoid the sentiment
That echoes in your ear
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Do you believe
You must believe
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme
I spy with my little eye
Something beginning with (ah)
Got my back up
And now she's screaming
So I've got to turn the track up
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up
I know this girl, she likes to switch teams
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme
Come and live a love supreme
Don't let 'em get you down
Everybody lives for love
Come and live a love supreme
Don't let 'em get you down
Everybody lives for love
Come and live a love supreme
Don't let 'em get you down
Everybody lives for love
Come and live a love supreme
Don't let 'em get you down
Everybody lives for love
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