Rita Ora Soul Survivor

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Soul SurvivorRita Ora

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Rita Ora Soul Survivor Letra

It's been seven long years fighting for your attention
Manipulated by fear and misdirection
Wrapped in your ugly chains, swore you'd rise me to heaven
Brought me nothing but pain, was that your intention?
Damn frustrating that you think I could never make it
Look who's standing right in front of you
Yes, it's me, what you doing?
Did you think you would see me ruined?
After all the shit that I've been through
I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire
I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose
I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire
I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, Oh-oh


rita ora soul survivor
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