Rihanna feat NERD-Lemon

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feat NERD-LemonRihanna

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Rihanna feat NERD-Lemon Letra

The truth will set you free

But first, it'll piss you off

Hate! Bad bitches wanna be my bae

Hate! Hunt me down like the C.I.A

Hate! Side of my car, tryna see my face

Hate! Want me to beat it like the T.I. case

Oh (hate!) and if it's heated I'ma feed my face

Hate! And best believe, it's gon' be outrageous

Hate! Hatin' niggas can't believe my race

Hate! Niggas hit you with the Eli face, oh

Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin'

Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin'

Scrunchin' their eyes with your name in their mouth and

Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin'

Hate! You keep askin' me where I'm from

Hate! About the borders and, "Did I run?"

Hate! Keep askin' how I feel 'bout guns

There's a light and dark army, which side you choose? Oh

Hate! If not…


rihanna feat nerd lemon
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