Ragn Bone Man Life In Her Yet

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Life In Her YetRagn Bone Man

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Ragn Bone Man Life In Her Yet Letra

She still remembers the time that was uncomplicated
But sure as the sun rise, she's seen things that you'll never see
Losses and heartaches amount to her strength
But oh, how they both take their toll
She's still here fighting
Better know there's life in her yet
Time will take us all, and turn us into stones
It leaves us with regrets and picks apart the threads
Hung over fragile bones
Let her go
I can't let her go
I can't let her go
Her hands tell the story of hardships that we'll never know
Her face is a map of a lifetime on well traveled roads
But those eyes tell nothing of a soul that is spared
A heart that is longing for death
She's still here fighting
Better know there's life in her yet
Time will take us all, and turn us into stones
It leaves us with regret, it picks apart the threads
Hung over fragile bones
Let her go
I can't let her go
I can't let her go
Let her go
I can't let her go
I can't let her go
Let her go, let her go, let her go
Let her go, let her go, let her go


ragn bone man life her yet
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