Queen We Will Rock You

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We Will Rock YouQueen

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Queen We Will Rock You Letra

Queen We Will Rock You Şarkı Sözleri

AahBuddy you're a boy make a big noisePlayin' in the street gonna be a big man some dayYou got mud on yo' faceYou big disgraceKickin' your can all over the placeSinginWe will we will rock youWe will we will rock you
Buddy you're a young man hard manShouting in the street gonna take on the world some dayYou got blood on yo' faceYou big disgraceWavin' your banner all over the place
We will we will rock you Sing itWe will we will rock you
Buddy you're an old man poor manPleadin' with your eyes gonna makeYou some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceBig disgraceSomebody betta put you back into your place
We will we will rock youSing itWe will we will rock youEverybodyWe will we will rock youWe will we will rock youAlright


queen will rock you
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