Portishead All Mine

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All MinePortishead

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Tiempo: 04:00 Tamaño: 3.69 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 90


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Portishead All Mine Letra

All the stars may shine bright
All the clouds may be white
But when you smile
Oh how I feel so good
That I can hardly wait
To hold you
Enfold you
Never enough
Render your heart to me
All mine
You have to be
From that cloud, number nine
Danger starts the sharp incline
And such sad regrets
Oh as those starry skies
As they swiftly fall
Make no mistake
You shan't escape
Tethered and tied
There's nowhere to hide from me
All mine
You have to be
So don't resist
We shall exist
Until the day
Until the day I die
All mine
You have to be


portishead all mine
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