Passenger Survivors

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Passenger Survivors Letra

Oh life
Is just a game
No one ever tells you how to play
See different people
Go different ways
Some of them will leave you but
Some of them will stay
Well our hearts keep drumming
And the years keep coming
Quicker than they've ever been
You're sick of the same thing
But it's quicker than changing
It's too late to begin
Well everybody's running
But you don't know where
Time is running thin
Everybody's looking for somebody to love
But we're scared to let them in
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Am I on my own?
Am I on my own?
Oh love
It comes and goes
But no one never tells you how to learn to let go
Different people, they walk different roads
Some of them will hurt you but
Some of them won't
Well the bridge is burning
And the wheel keeps turning
Quicker than it did before
Your heart screams "yes"
Your head says "no"
And you're never really sure
Well everybody's running
But you don't know why
Time is running short
Everybody's looking for a place to hide
So there's no one left at all
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Yeah I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Am I here alone?
Oh oh oh
Am I here alone?
Oh oh, oh oh
Yeah I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?


passenger survivors
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