Pamela Sex on the Beat

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Sex on the BeatPamela

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Pamela Sex on the Beat Letra

Pamela Sex on the Beat Sözleri

Come on boy don't be shy
Let me take ya for a ride
I live in the fast lane
My music is loud, on my lips they're profane

How is about a little fun ?
Don't you wanna have some fun ?
We're only just be gone
Too much love is better than now

Everybody out on the streets
Come on get between the sheets
Make your love music
Sex on the beat
Come on boy don't ask why
Let me kiss ya for a while
Always do what I please
Good times don't less no longer, get what you see

How is about a little fun ?
Don't you wanna have some fun ?
We're only just be gone
Too much love is better than now

Everybody out on the streets
Come on get between the sheets
Make your love music
Sex on the beat


pamela sex the beat
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