Pamela Say What You Want

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Say What You WantPamela

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Pamela Say What You Want Letra

Pamela Say What You Want Sözleri

say what you want to saywhat you what you want to sayyou know it will be oksay what you want to saywhat you really want to sayyou don't have to be afraid
love me or hate memake me or break mei don't really carei'll pick up the piecesturn them into sweet kisseseverytime you are near
i don't want you to say anythingunless it is reali don't want you to say anythingunless it is how you feeli don't want you to say anythingunless it is realdon't want you to saywhat you don't feel
you can't say what's on your mindmaybe it's better, betterthat you move along andwe shouldn't be togetheragain we make mistakes, ha?
say what you want to saywhat you what you want to saysay what you want to saywhat you what you want to say
so take me or leave mebrew me or grieve meeverything is fairi'll take all the purgesturn my scars into bruisesit's all truth no death
i don't want you to say anythingunless it is reali don't want you to say anythingunless it is how you feeli don't want you to say anythingunless it is realdon't want you to saywhat you don't feel
you can't say what's on your mindmaybe it's better, betterthat you move along andwe shouldn't be together


pamela say what you want
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