Ozzy Osbourne I Just Want You

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I Just Want YouOzzy Osbourne

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Ozzy Osbourne I Just Want You Letra

There are no unlockable doors
There are no unwinable wars
There are no unrightable wrongs
Or unsignable songs
There are no unbeatable odds
There are no believable gods
There are no unnameable names
Shall I say it again, yeah
There are no impossible dreams
There are no invisible seams
Each night when the day is through
I don't ask much I just want you I just want you
There are no uncriminal crimes
There are no unrhymable rhymes
There are no identical twins or forgivable sins
There are no incurable ills
There are no unkillable thrills
One thing and you know it's true,
I don't ask much I just want you
I just want you
I just want you
I just want you
I'm sick and tired of bein' sick and tired
I used to go to bed so high and wired, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah
I think I'll buy myself some plastic water
I guess I should have married Lennon's daughter, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah
There are no unachievable goals
There are no unsaveable souls
No legitimate kings or queens, do you know what I mean?
There are no indisputable truths
And there ain't no fountain of youth
Each night when the day is through,
I don't ask much
I just want you
I just want you
I just want you
I just want you
I just want you
I just want you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I just want you
I just want you,
Hey, yeah
I just want you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I just want you, hey
I just want you
I just want you
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