No Doubt Spiderwebs

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SpiderwebsNo Doubt

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No Doubt Spiderwebs Letra

You think that we connect
That the chemistry's correct
Your words walk right through my ears
Presuming I like what I hear
And now I'm stuck in the web
You're spinning
You've got me for your prey
Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back
You're intruding on what's mine and
You're taking up my time
Don't have the courage inside me
To tell you please let me be
Communication, a telephonic invasion
I'm planning my escape
Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back
And it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter who calls
I gotta scream my phone calls
Now it's gone too deep
You wake me in my sleep
My dreams become nightmares
'Cause you're ringing in my ears.
Sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back
And It's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter matter matter who calls
I gotta scream my phone calls
Oh spider webs
Leave a message and I'll call you back
I'm walking in a spider webs
So leave a message and I'll call you back
And It's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
No matter matter matter who calls
I gotta scream my phone calls
It's all your fault
It's all your fault
No matter who calls
No matter who calls
I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
Leave a message
And I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
Leave a message
And I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
Leave a message
And I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
Leave a message
And I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
Leave a message
And I'll call you back


doubt spiderwebs
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