Night Lovell Bad Kid

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Bad KidNight Lovell

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Tiempo: 02:36 Tamaño: 2.40 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 6

Night Lovell - Bad Kid - Vídeoclip

Tiempo: 02:36 Tamaño: 9.21 Mb Formato: .mp4 Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 6



Night Lovell Bad Kid Letra

Ah, ah, ah, aaaah shit, nice


I've been on your ass for 20 days andI've been ridin' round this bitch looking for David

That nigga tryna take my money 'cause I made it

Lil pussy, I'mma make you feel this blade and

All your bitches comin' to me 'cause they love me

She said: "Daddy, I can feel it in my tummy"

Pussy nigga tryna call his fuckin' mommy

You be laughin' but I swear this shit ain't funny

You've been tryna tell me all this shit but, bitch, I'm done

Leave your crib, you'll find me dancing in Afghanistan

She be tryna tell me that she know that I'm the one

I just fucked that bitch inside the whip and then I run (Sweet)

I'm so focused on this shit it got me goin' crazy

Take you to my secret place if you my baby

Don't you try to talk to me 'cause you ain't from my side

I make all these niggas focus on me till I die, yeah

Flood nation, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause they say

'Cause they, mmh

'Cause they say that I'm a bad kid

All because I'm paid from these stories that I made

All I think about is bad shit

I can't help myself, they just tryna take my wealth

You won't catch me lackin'

Pussy nigga try me, I might cut you like salami

We don't really pass shit

Do it all yourself, earn your motherfuckin' belt, bitch, ayy


night lovell bad kid
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