Michael Jackson Will You Be There

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Will You Be ThereMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson Will You Be There Letra

Hold me

Like the river Jordan

And I will then say to thee

You are my friend

Carry me

Like you are my brother

Love me like a mother

Will You Be There?


Tell me will you hold me

When wrong, will you scold me

When lost will you find me?

But they told me

A man should be faithful

And walk when not able

And fight till the end

But I'm only human

Everyone taking control of me

Seems that the world's

Got a role for me

I'm so confused

Will you show to me

You be there for me

And care enough to bear me

In our darkest hour

In my deepest despair

Will you still care?

Will You Be There?

In my trials

And my…
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