Michael Jackson The Lady in My Life

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The Lady in My LifeMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson The Lady in My Life Letra

There'll be no darkness tonight
Lady our love will shine
Lighting the night
Just put your trust in my heart
And meet me in paradise
Now is the time girl
You're every wonder in this world to me
A treasure time won't steal away
So listen to my heart
Lay your body close to mine
Let me fill you with my dreams
I can make you feel alright
And baby through the years
Gonna love you more each day
So I promise you tonight
That you'll always be the lady in my life
Lay back in my tenderness
Let's make this a night we won't forget
Girl, I need your sweet caress
Reach out to a fantasy
Two hearts in the beat of ecstasy
Come to me, girl
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