Michael Jackson The Girl Is Mine

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The Girl Is MineMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson The Girl Is Mine Letra

Every night she walks right in my dreams
Since I met her from the start
I'm so proud I am the only one
Who is special in her heart
The girl is mine
The doggone girl is mine
I know she's mine
Because the doggone girl is mine
I don't understand the way you think
Saying that she's yours not mine
Sending roses and your silly dreams
Really just a waste of time
Because she's mine
The doggone girl is mine
Don't waste your time
Because the doggone girl is mine
I love you more than he
(Take you anywhere)
Well I love you endlessly
(Loving we will share)
So come and go with me
Two on the town
But we both cannot have her
So it's one or the other
And one day you'll discover
That she's my girl forever and ever
I don't build your hopes to be let down
'Cause I really feel it's time
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