Michael Jackson Its the Falling in Love

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Its the Falling in LoveMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson Its the Falling in Love Letra

It's the fallin' in love
That's making me high
It's the being in love that make me cry, cry, cry
You think we're fallin' in love
Got me fallin' in love
(Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry)
You're not like anybody I ever knew
But that don't mean that I don't know where we are
And though I find myself attracted to you
This time I'm trying not to go too far, 'cause
No matter how it starts, it ends the same
Someone's always doing someone more
Trading in the passion for that taste of pain
It's only gonna happen again
It's the fallin' in love that's makin' me high
It's the being in love that makes me cry, cry, cry
It's the fallin' in love that's makin' me high
It's the being in love that makes me cry, cry, cry
All night
And though I'm trying not to look in your eyes
Each time…
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