Michael Jackson In the Closet

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In the ClosetMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson In the Closet Letra

There's something I have to say to you
If you promise you'll understand
I cannot contain myself
When in your presence
I'm so humble
Touch me
Don't hide our love
Woman to man
She's just a lover
Who's doin' me by
Is it worth the giving?
Is it worth the try?
You cannot cleave it
Or put it in the furnace
You cannot wet it
You cannot burn it
She wants to give it
(She wants to give it)
(Aahh, she wants to give it)
Dare me
(She wants to give it)
(Aahh, she wants to give it)
She wants to give it
(She wants to give it)
(Aahh, she wants to give it)
(She wants to give it)
(Aahh, she wants to give it)
It's just a feeling
You have to soothe it
You can't neglect it
You can't abuse it
It's just desire
You cannot waste It
Then if you want it
Then won't you taste it
She wants to give it
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