Michael Jackson I Just Cant Stop Loving You

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I Just Cant Stop Loving YouMichael Jackson

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Michael Jackson I Just Cant Stop Loving You Letra

Each time the wind blows

I hear your voice so

I call your name

Whispers at morning

Our love is dawning

Heaven's glad you came

You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong

I'm so proud to say I love you

Your love's got me high

I long to get by

This time is forever

Love is the answer

I hear your voice now

You are my choice now

The love you bring

Heaven's in my heart

At your call

I hear harps

And angels sing

You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong

I can't live my life without you

I just can't hold on

I feel we belong

My life ain't worth living

If I can't be with you

I just can't stop loving you

I just can't stop loving you

And if I stop

Then tell me just what will I do

'Cause I just can't stop loving you

At night when the stars shine

I pray in you I'll find
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