Michael Jackson Get on the Floor

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Get on the FloorMichael Jackson

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Tiempo: 04:41 Tamaño: 4.31 Mb Descargas: 2 Puntos de vista: 6



Michael Jackson Get on the Floor Letra

Ah, on the floor and dance

Ah, on the floor and dance

So get on the floor

And dance with me

I love the way you shake your thing


There's a chance for dancin'

All night long

There's a chance for groovin'

And it will be soothing

With a song

Then why don't you just

Dance across the floor

'Cause there's a chance for chances

And the chance is choosin'

And I sure would like just to groove with you

So get on the floor

And dance with me

I love the way you shake your thing


So get on the floor

And dance with me

I love the way you shake that thing, girl


No need for rejection

Determined to be

Gonna groove gonna move ya

Gonna say things to ya

Just wait and see

Then why don't you just

Dance across the floor

'Cause there's a chance for choices

And it's…
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