Michael Jackson Dirty Diana

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Dirty DianaMichael Jackson

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Tiempo: 04:40 Tamaño: 4.30 Mb Descargas: 12 Puntos de vista: 30


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Michael Jackson Dirty Diana Letra

Oh no

Oh no

Oh no

You'll never make me stay

So take your weight off of me

I know your every move

So won't you just let me be

I've been here times before

But I was too blind to see

That you seduce every man

This time you won't seduce me

She's saying that's okay

Hey baby do what you please

I have the stuff that you want

I am the thing that you need

She looked me deep in the eyes

She touchin' me so to start

She says there's no turnin' back

She trapped me in her heart

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, no

Dirty Diana

Let me be!

Oh no

Oh no

Oh no

She likes the boys in the bands

She knows when they come to town

Every musician's fan, after the curtain comes down

She waits at backstage doors, for those who have prestige

Who promise fortune and fame, a life that's so…
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