Maher Zain True Love

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True LoveMaher Zain

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Maher Zain True Love Letra

Maher Zain - True Love Sözleri

I long for a world so pure and free

I wish for others all I’d wish for me

To live right, avoiding what is wrong

And focus everyday on the ultimate goal

Forever, what’s in my heart

Is all of the love from Allah


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!

Each day

I’ll extend my hand

Give my all and do whatever I can

For a good life

Of joy and happiness

Everything I do I start in His Name

Forever, what’s in my heart

Is all of the love from Allah


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!

Now raise your hands

And let’s be thankful to Allah

True love!

Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts

True love!

I never knew it would feel so good

Just being true to myself and true to You


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!


maher zain true love
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