Maher Zain Thank You Allah

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Thank You AllahMaher Zain

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Maher Zain Thank You Allah Letra

Maher Zain - Thank You Allah Sözleri

I was so far from you

Yet to me you were always so close

I wandered lost in the dark

I closed my eyes toward the signs

You put in my way

I walked everyday

further and further away from you

Ooooo Allah, you brought me home

I thank you with every breath I take

الحمد لله الحمد لله

All praises just to Allah

I never thought about

All the things you have given to me

I never thanked you once

I was too proud

to see the truth

And prostrate to you

Until I took the first step

And that's when you opened the doors for me


maher zain thank you allah
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