Maher Zain So Real

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So RealMaher Zain

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Maher Zain So Real Letra

Maher Zain - So Real Sözleri

They say that love never lasts

That love never lives to see another day

But what I know deep down inside

It's what I feel and it's so real

I gave it up all for You

And there ain't nothing that I won't do

All I know deep down inside

It's what I feel and it's so real with You!


Allah, everyday I'll try to be as true as I can to You

'Cause loving You the best I can

Will always be my number one and only plan

Yes everyday I'll try to be as true as I can to You

'Cause loving You the best I can

Will always be my number one and only plan

They say: "You're out of your mind"

"Don't you know that love fades away?"

They say: "It only brings you pain!"

But what I feel is so real!

I gave it up and turned to You

'Cause I know what your love can do

O Allah open up our hearts

And make us feel how it's so real with You!


maher zain real
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