Maher Zain Ramadan (English)

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Ramadan (English)Maher Zain

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Maher Zain Ramadan (English) Letra

Maher Zain - Ramadan Sözleri

You lift me up high

You spread my wings

And fly me to the sky

I feel so alive

It's like my soul thrives in your light

But how I wish you'd be

Here with me all year around


Ramadan Ramadan,

Ramadanu ya habib

Ramadan Ramadan

Laytaka dawman qareeb

Love is everywhere

So much peace fills up the air

Ramadan month of the Quran

I feel it inside of me, strengthening my Iman

But how I wish you'd be

Here with me all year around


I just love the way you make me feel

Every time you come around you breathe life into my soul

And I promise that

I'll try throughout the year

To keep your spirit alive

In my heart it never dies

Oh Ramadan!

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